Erectile Dysfunction Training FAQ
Wondering if the Premier Practice Accelerator erectile dysfunction training course is right for you and your practice? Below we answer some frequently asked questions about the process.
If you’re ready to take the next step right now, contact us online to sign up for a course, or give us a call.
The Premier Practice Accelerator erectile dysfunction training course was developed in 2018 by “The Miami Love Doctor” David Hernandez, a sexual health specialist and educator, and Jim Glazner, an entrepreneur with extensive experience in both the retail and healthcare industries who previously founded his own cosmetic medical center and wellness spa.
The Premier Practice Accelerator erectile dysfunction training course was created to fill a gap in the marketing of practices. It is our goal to share vital knowledge with hundreds of clinicians and, in turn, help thousands of their patients who struggle to get or maintain an erection. We wish to demystify industry secrets of sexual medicine and explore the latest methods used to improve erectile function.
While developing the course, Jim Glazner conducted studies on Extracorporeal shockwave therapy with Michael Gold, MD, Brian Biesman, MD, and David Goldberg, MD, JD in order to ensure the latest and greatest technologies could be highlighted.
Because anyone can benefit from sexual wellness treatments like these, any practitioner can benefit from taking our courses! We’ve trained physicians from all areas of expertise, from naturopathic doctors to primary care providers to specialized sexual health clinics.
Since its debut in 2018, the course has helped over 150 practices and 550 clinicians obtain the necessary skills to develop a successful practice and treat erectile dysfunction. Whether you have an established practice or are about to have your grand opening, you can learn how to incorporate cash-pay services into your practice and make in-demand treatments available to your local patients.
Some of our most common participants are:
- Hospital Internists
- Primary Care Physicians
- Surgeons
- Nurse Practitioners
- Registered Nurses
- Physician Assistants
- Urologists
- Chiropractors
- And more!
The Premier Practice Accelerator comprehensive erectile dysfunction training courses are specifically designed to cover marketing and sales training, business strategy, clinical training on erectile dysfunction, and more. We provide our course participants with the clinical knowledge and marketing training needed to succeed as lucrative practitioners treating ED.
Our courses feature two main categories:
Marketing & Sales Training
Throughout our careers in the medical aesthetic industry, we’ve discovered that the key to client satisfaction and successful growth is the ability to translate your skills to your patients. Our marketing and sales training lectures will teach you how to:
- Market your practice and reach your target audience
- Tap into the best advertising avenues for your practice
- Maximize the value of consultations and patient engagement
- Create an incentivization plan for support staff
- Sales 101: how to handle and nurture leads
Clinical ED Training
In this section of the course, we’ll take a deep dive into neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of an erection, the psychological factors behind ED, and clinical studies on acoustic wave therapy applications. In addition, you will be provided with insight into the industry’s leading medical aesthetic devices.
This portion of the course agenda also includes:
- Erectile Dysfunction: the neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of an erection
- Erectile Physiology: primary causes of ED
- In depth review of male and female genitalia
- Biological effects of acoustic wave therapy
- Peyronie’s disease and effective treatment options
- Understanding peptides
- HRT overview and implantation
- PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) methods like the O-Shot® and Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®)
After undergoing our clinical training, participants have the opportunity for hands-on treatment demonstrations and experience with real patients on the second day of the course.
Support doesn’t stop when the course does, either: we continue to mentor practices long after completion of the training course!
The comprehensive course consists of two days of presentations and hands-on training.
Yes, attendees of the Premier Practice Accelerator training course are eligible to receive shockwave therapy certifications.
While some patients notice improvements with lifestyle changes like regular exercise and weight loss or special pelvic floor muscle training and kegel exercises for men, others need more help to eliminate ED. Through the years, ED has been addressed with vacuum devices like penis pumps, injectable and oral medications, and even surgeries or implants. Today, however, many modern patients are in search of less invasive alternatives.
Shockwave therapy (also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy) has been proven effective in restoring sexual function to create an enjoyable sex life and better overall health. Treating erectile dysfunction with shockwave therapy is increasingly popular. Shockwave therapy was first used in 1971 to disintegrate kidney stones and gallstones. Now, this same technique enables clinicians to treat a variety of circulatory conditions without the need for invasive surgery or medications.
How does shockwave therapy work? When acoustic energy is directed into targeted tissue via shockwave technology, it creates micro-injuries that lead to the formation of new blood vessels. This process is known as angiogenesis. When someone’s pelvic floor muscles are too tight, certain arteries may be compressed and the pressure prevents blood from reaching the penis. The increased circulatory response from shockwave therapy leads to better penile blood flow and more effective healing throughout the body.
Since shockwave therapy is a fairly new ED treatment not covered by insurance plans, this is a great way to incorporate cash-pay medical services into your practice.
Shockwave therapy treatments are typically completed in under 20 minutes. These are non-invasive treatments that can help your patients maintain an erection and enjoy sexual activity once again. The procedures require no downtime and no anesthesia, so patients may resume normal activities immediately after the treatment is completed.
Treatment plans range from 6 to 12 sessions depending on the severity of the ED symptoms. Sessions can be performed weekly or biweekly.
By 2025, erectile dysfunction (ED) is predicted to impact the lives of over 322 million men. This marks a drastic increase from 152 million men in 1995. Regarding comorbidities, it is estimated between 35% to 50% of adult men with diabetes also have erectile dysfunction.
Due to these numbers, sexual dysfunction treatment is one of the fastest-growing segments in the medical field.

Sign Up for A Course Today
Do these sound like your goals?
- Reach more patients in need
- Stop common mistakes before they happen
- Receive training and ongoing support from the best in the industry
- Learn how to incorporate cash-pay services into your practice
As wellness professionals and experts in sexual health/sexual dysfunction treatments, the founders of The Premier Practice Accelerator training course are ready to share their knowledge about patient engagement, practice building, and marketing. We’ve made a major difference for practitioners all over the country. Now let us make a difference for you.
Still have questions? Check our upcoming events or contact us now for more information.